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ValidateRule will be used to validate the job’s result. Currently, we support JsonPath, String, Regex, MarkdownCodeBlock, Json, ExtTool. For example:
- type: json-path
value: $
- type: string
value: output.length < 100
JsonPath represents a JSON path expression that extracts values from a job’s result. This class is implemented with validation by [cc.unitmesh.prompt.validate.JsonPathValidator]. It relies on the JsonPath library available at Usage example:
- type: json-path
value: $[0].title
String represents a string validation expression that evaluates to a boolean value, determining whether subsequent statements should be executed or not. This class is implemented with validation by [cc.unitmesh.prompt.validate.StringValidator]. Usage example:
- type: string
value: output contains "hello"
Other expression:
- output contains “hello”
- output endsWith “world”
- output startsWith “hello”
- output == “hello world”
- output == ‘hello world’
- output.length > 5”
Regex Represents a validation rule for using regular expressions to validate a job’s result. This class is implemented with validation by [cc.unitmesh.prompt.validate.RegexValidator]. Usage example:
- type: regex
value: \d{4}
MarkdownCodeBlock Represents a validation rule for verifying if a job’s result is a valid Markdown code block. This class is implemented with validation by [cc.unitmesh.prompt.validate.MarkdownCodeBlockValidator]. Usage example:
- type: markdown-code
Represents a validation rule for verifying if a job’s result is valid JSON. This class is implemented with validation by [cc.unitmesh.prompt.validate.JsonValidator]. Usage example:
- type: json
Represents a validation rule for using an external tool to validate a job’s result, such as PlantUML or Graphviz. This class is implemented with validation by [cc.unitmesh.prompt.validate.ExtToolValidator]. Usage example:
- type: ext-tool
value: dot -Tsvg -o basic.svg
Represents a validation rule for using an external tool to validate a job’s result, such as PlantUML or Graphviz. This class is implemented with validation by [cc.unitmesh.prompt.validate.CodeCompletionValidator]. Usage example:
- type: code-completion
selection: "$.beforeCursor" // the selection is a json path expression
output: "hello world" // from the selection, we will get the value "hello world"
language: "java" // the language of the code, we will use the language to get the code completion